Internet Addiction Porn Addiction

Life After Porn: How Quitting Changes You


It’s hard to deny that porn use has become a normal part of life for many people. It’s also a fact that porn can be addictive and destructive in the long run.

That said, I’ve found that quitting porn can actually have a positive impact on your lifeā€”and here are five ways that it changes you:

Life After Porn: How Quitting Changes You

When you quit watching porn, your life will change.

  • The first thing that happens is that you’ll notice a dip in the amount of time spent on the internet. This makes sense–porn sites are designed to be addictive and keep users around as long as possible. You’ll find yourself spending less time online overall, which means more time doing what matters most to you: spending quality time with friends and family or enjoying hobbies like playing music or writing poetry!
  • In addition to being able to spend more time doing what matters most in life, another benefit of quitting porn is an increase in self-esteem and confidence because now there’s no need for validation from others online through likes or comments on social media posts (which often contain images). When people who used their bodies as currency see themselves differently after quitting porn then they become less dependent on others’ approval before feeling good about themselves.

1. Your Gratitude Will Grow

Gratitude will be one of the main benefits you experience when you quit porn. When we’re grateful for what we have, it can change our entire outlook on life and make us feel happy.

Gratitude is something that everyone has in common–we all have things in our lives that make us grateful! But sometimes it’s hard for people who struggle with addiction to feel grateful about anything because their minds are so focused on their addiction or other problems they might be facing.

When someone stops watching porn, however, they learn how important it is to focus on what they do have instead of what they don’t have (or lost).

2. You’ll Be More Comfortable in Your Own Skin

After you’ve been out of porn for a while, you’ll find that you’re more comfortable in your own skin. You will feel more confident and less self-conscious.

This is because porn addiction has the effect of making people feel like they need to hide their real selves or be someone else, rather than embracing who they really are.

When we are addicted to something, our brains become conditioned by it so that we want more of what we have been consuming.

In other words: if porn makes us feel good about ourselves (or at least not bad), then quitting can result in an increase in negative feelings like anxiety or depression because our brain isn’t getting what it wants anymore!

This is why many people report feeling “off” after quitting porn – but don’t worry! These feelings pass over time as your brain adjusts accordingly…

3. You’ll Better Understand Healthy Relationships

You’ll better understand healthy relationships.

When you’re in porn, you don’t have a lot of time to build up a real relationship with your partner.

It’s the opposite of how things work in the real world–where people get to know each other over time and form deeper connections by spending more time together.

In porn, all that matters is how much sex they can have in 30 minutes or less (or 60 minutes if they’re shooting two scenes back-to-back).

The point is: there’s no way for any kind of emotional connection to develop between performers because they’re always moving onto something else as soon as filming wraps up!

This means that when someone who watches porn tries their hand at dating another person outside of their industry, it can feel like an entirely foreign experience; one where communication is key and emotions aren’t always expressed explicitly but rather implied through subtle gestures such as holding hands while walking down the street together or making eye contact during dinner conversation…

4. You’ll Learn to Resolve Conflict Constructively

You’re in for a huge dose of relationship skills.

You will learn how to communicate with your partner, be more patient and understanding, work through problems together, and even compromise on things that matter most to each other.

5. You’ll Have Better Sex with Your Partner

Porn can affect your sexual performance, ability to communicate with your partner, and even how often you have sex. It’s also common for porn users to become less interested in their partners or lose interest in having real-life sex altogether. Quitting will help improve your relationship by allowing both of you to focus on each other instead of the latest fantasy video online.*

Quitting porn can have a positive impact on your life.

Quitting porn can have a positive impact on your life.

You may feel like it’s not the right time to quit, or that you don’t want to give up something that gives you pleasure.

But think about this: If something makes you feel crappy and doesn’t make anything better in your life, maybe it’s time to let go of it?

It might seem like quitting will just be one more thing on top of everything else that is stressful or difficult for you right now, but trust me when I say that once you’ve done it successfully (and there are ways), quitting porn will help improve all areas of your life!


If you’re thinking about quitting porn, we hope that this article has given you some insight into the positive impact it can have on your life. We know that it can be challenging to change habits, but if there’s one thing we’ve learned from our work with thousands of men over the years, it’s that anything worth doing takes time and patience–even if it means starting small by making changes in just one area at a time (like limiting yourself to one hour per day).

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